Hello, my name is Barbara Smiley, and this is my story.

Designs by Bee Bee started in January 2023 but was created in my imagination many, many years ago.  I’ve always had a vivid imagination and I love being creative, so here I am fulfilling a life long dream of having my own online business to sell my handmade creations. 

All of my products are near and dear to my heart.  Some are inspired by my two granddaughters; some are inspired by wanting home goods for my home and not being able to find it and the others are just from my imagination being in overdrive! 

My products are all hand made with care and details that make them unique and special and I’m very proud of them all.  I truly enjoy creating them and I hope you, “my future customers”, will enjoy them as well .

So please, tell some friends and you all come visit me here at “Designs by BeeBee” and thank you for your support. 

Barbara Smiley